Develop Websites Faster than Ever Before!

SnipCSS can turn any section of a website into a reusable web component. All HTML, Images and CSS is extracted with one click of a button. If you want to build websites fast, SnipCSS is all you need.

Unlimited Reusable Web Components

When you use SnipCSS, you only get the code needed for the section you select. You get all CSS rules including:

  • CSS Variables
  • Animation Keyframes
  • Pseudo Elements and Properties
  • Media Queries
  • Inherited Properties
  • All Fonts
  • All Images
  • And much more
Install the Free Extension

What about copyright?
How does it work?

SnipCSS has the ability to replace any copyrighted text, images, svg with AI generated data or MIT licensed icons. Machine code and scripts are copyrightable, but SnipCSS only copies HTML markup and CSS rules which provides a unique opportunity for creative reuse. Even so, it remains the user's responsibility to use SnipCSS conscientiously and ethically.


Replace all CSS classes and ids used in the HTML/CSS snippet with unique ones

Replaces Images

Use Stable Diffusion to replace any existing copyrighted images in the design, use templates to inject data or your own images

Removes Unused Attributes/Classes

When recreating a section of a website many HTML properties CSS declarations can be removed

Combines rules, cuts up selectors, and more

The source and generated CSS have many differences due to what happens during processing

Can Change Colors and Fonts

Replace colors or proprietary fonts

Scopes Snippets

There is no reason to copy a large portion of any individual website because snippets can be scoped, that's why SnipCSS is the best tool to make small reusable components

All Responsive Styles

Collect all media queries by running at multiple resolutions

Laser-targeted Selection

Select specific children or multiple elements

Advanced Processing

No one wants extra junk in their code, just clean CSS, which the Pro Version provides

Unlock Everything in the SnipCSS Directory

All features of templates in the directory are unlocked with a Pro Membership

Get the Pro Version

Unlock the real power of SnipCSS with the Pro Version

  • Fully Scoped Snippets
  • Better Template Tools to Build React/Vue Components
  • Unlimited Generative AI feature credits
Buy SnipCSS Pro

5 Star Reviews

SnipCSS is helping thousands of developers all over the world quickly build web UI. The Snip Kiwi pecks away at a page to collect styles and then you'll have a new web component. Many users don't believe it will work until they try it.

 Free Extension
